
 M3 – Explain what codes and conventions you’ve used 

This is a document that will see what types of codes and conventions are in the advert and if they are similar of different.



Fruit bomb has a slogan that is “An explosion of flavours”. This was my choice of slogan because it tells you about how good the drink is. Other companies follow the same thing like PlayStation “Live in Your World, Play in Ours” telling us that the PlayStation is capable of running different games that make you feel in a different world while playing in the world of PlayStation. The slogans try to tell you that there is something about the product that you don’t want to miss out. That’s why “An explosion of flavours” was my choice of slogan, it tells the consumer that the fizzy drink is worth the while.



The thing that makes the can pop out is the font with the bomb in it. It aims to be simplistic but funky at the same time so that it can attract different audiences. The bomb in the logo Is for comedic reasons and it also represents the product itself and makes the slogan unique. There isn’t much detail in the logo so that it stays simplistic which allows for people to easily remember how the product looks like from afar, like Apple. It’s as simple as it gets and it can be recognized by people around the world with the logo being an apple with a bite taken into it.


Technical codes:

This is where the advert becomes different from the usual technical codes. By research most fizzy drink adverts aim to be fast since there isn’t much to demonstrate something from a can and its meant to show that people are getting a refresh by taking a can. My advert does the opposite, yes it doesn’t show much about the can, it shows about the people themselves. In the advertisements you can see that an adult female has been used to film and the way that she was represented was by looking tired. Usually, adults have a hard time waking up in the morning because they worked a lot yesterday like a nightshift or had a party and need a refreshment for the day. Whenever that happens, they usually go for a cup of coffee or cup o’ tea to start their day. The advert tries to show the same thing, that the drink can accomplish the same thing but in a healthier style. And so the advert stars of by her being tired and in the end she feels filled with energy.
