Unit 15 Mr. French

P1 – Review audio visual promos

·       Promote/Market – Terraria

·       Inform – Slap Chop

·       Entertain – Evian

·       Educate – Heinekens



Terraria is a 2D adventure game made by Re-Logic and published by 505 Games. It is a game about progressing trough by slaying down bosses which makes difficult over time. It has 17 bosses and some mini bosses which also drop good rewards, and the game is also split in 2 stages – Pre-Hard mode and Hard mode. 

You can chose to play between 4 classes (Melee, Ranged, Mage, Summoner). They all have their own challenges from the beginning but get more powerful in Hard mode. If you don’t want to play the game just to slay bosses, you can also  build with over 2000+ blocks and items to make some gorgeous builds.

The advert starts off by introducing the update title. In most of the video it introduces the new features that will be in the game, which is a new mini boss, new items, blocks, biomes, new difficulty and in the end it shows the release date of the game and ends the video. 

About Re-Logic they are a small group of people making the game which don’t pump out much updates for the game but each update comes with heaps of content which resulted in the games growth. Their advertisements about the game are mostly on social media platforms like Instagram and Twitter, but you can find the trailers about the game on their YouTube.

In short, the game is cheap for what it gives you so I think it’s a good game to give a try.

The Evian baby ad

Evian is a water company famous for its baby dancing advert from 2013. The Adverts goal was to show people that its good to drink water to keep yourself hydrated, energised and refreshed. They demonstrated it by showing how the young kids have lots of energy by copying their moves and making it more fun to watch. The advert starts off by showing a man in a city just walking around until he encounters a young self in the glass reflection, in the middle of his dance more people join in and start having fun with their reflection, and in the end it shows the water product and ends the video. They didn’t even mention their product until the very end of the video. Opinions? Well the advert is great and filled with entertainment all just for a bottle of water! Who knew just by looking at your young self could be fun. But yeah, it’s water so there isn’t much to say about it.

Educate - NHS hand washing

NHS is a comprehensive information service that helps to put you in control of your healthcare in the UK. They published a video about how important washing your hands is in the ending of 2018 and made it into a song. The song is meant to be suitable for children and encourige them to wash their hands more often. The video is less than a minute so it should be simple and quick to explain it.

The video starts off with a hand with googly eyes and a funky hair telling us what the video will be all about. It then switches to a shot of the sink and the mascot tells us on how to start it off. The camera then shows us the mascot again and tells us that he'll start to sing.

For the middle of the video it is mostly washing hands and singing in the background. There is also captions that follow the rithm of the song and the song is all about washing your hands properly. You wet your hand, cover them in soap, rub every spot of the hand and finally wash off the soap.

For the end of the video it ends with the song and the mascot giving it all for the final high pitched notes. His hair falls down as the song ends and the outro rolls in. The outro is just the NHS logo and their website.

Inform - covid droplets

The sun is a brittish news publisher in the UK. they publish news on either the newspaper or on the internet, like on YouTube. They published a video of the coronavirus and the three ways on how to lower the risk of speading the virus. 

The video is all about the Covid and its dangers and how we can avoid it. The video isn't too long and shows us three ways to try and avoid / minimize the effects of coronavirus outside and in our house enviroment. 

In the start of the video  it starts of showing us what the video will tell us about, which is the 3 ways to avoid / minimize the effects of covid. It shows us 2 people in an apartment starting to talk with each other and how the guest has left bacteria in various places from their hands. They demonstrate it by using a uv light to show the bacteria and how it started from the hands, got theft on the door knob, on a cup and on the face. they tell us that the way to avoid this is by washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap or hand santisizer to fully clean off the bacteria.

The middle is the shortest of the three since it is easy to understand. They demonstrate the second way of avoiding / minimizing the effect of covid is being demonstrated and its by wearing a mask. Even if your having the virus, it helps to minimize passing it to someone around you. 

In the end they demonstrate the third and last way for avoiding the virus and it is by keeping at least a 2 meter distance. this is one of the most effective ways when outside since the virus spreads less when exposed to wind. After they demonstrated the last way of avoiding the virus, they recap the three ways of avoiding the virus and what symptoms the virus can cause if having the virus.

(874) Chilling gov vid reveals how far coronavirus droplets can travel - YouTube

P2 - Develop concepts for your own audio promo. Include 

synopsis, outline, target audience, genre


I will me making an YouTube instream promo for the Nintendo switch. In this promo it will include gameplay from 4 different games and show that there is much more that the switch can do. It shows the portability and the power of the switch which makes it good. In the advert one feature is also demonstrated which is the detachable joy-cons. That only appears in the beginning of the video though.


In the advertisement it starts and finishes off with the Nintendo switch intro of the joy-cons attaching to each other. For the intro we made a sequence of a ball bouncing off different obstacles like a pole, fence and the road. The advert Is mostly a sequence of 4 different games connected to one another with a different way of transitioning between each game. And in the end Arsentijs goes outside, looks at the sun and goes back to playing games.


The genre of the advertisement is mostly Informative, but also Entertaining and Promotive. The reason that it’s mostly informative is that it mostly tells the audience what the contents of the switch are and how it can affect your life. It is also Entertaining because of the visual effects form the edits and the sequences that are created. And lastly it Promotes the switch a little since the switch isn’t seen as much in the advert.

In this document I’ll be including different documents about the promo. It will consist of Costumer profile sheet, Discovery session and the script.

Target Audience:


Name: Johnny

Location (Where they live): America

Family (What’s their relationship with their parents? Siblings? Kids/Wife if they have them:

They have a little brother.

Relationship status: Single

Gender: Male

Age: 17

Job: Unemployed

Education (high school? College?): Still in high school

Income (Average): $47,299


The perfect target audience will consist of single unemployed teens that look for something to do in their free time. They are big fans of Nintendo and enjoy playing the Mario games. Even though they are gamers they only play the games for fun or revisit old ones for a feel of nostalgia. They try and save up for Nintendo’s future games or consoles and have a collection of older games on a bookcase in their bedroom.


Who do they follow on social media?

Nintendo, their friends, or other famous gamers.


What do they watch on YouTube? TV? Netflix? HBO? What shows? What movies?

They watch gaming videos or watch Marvel movies.


Ones they read and are thinking about right now, books to get them out of their pain, etc:

Nintendo magazine system


What might they listen to?



What does their time off and the weekend look like?

Do their homework if there is any, game in their free time or hang out with their friends


What does their schedule look like on their weekdays?

Hang out with friends or play games all day.


My target audience would like to spend their time outside with their friends or stay at home and play on their ds or on their laptop. They will do their homework on the last day so that they have more free time during the day and spend it outside or playing games. When they do chores, they like to listen to their favorite podcast named Distractable, to make the chores seem less boring to do.

Driving Forces


Becoming a famous game


To become famous by playing games.


Leaving their gaming equipment to their little brother


Not being good at the games


Even though they don’t play games too seriously, they wish they became a professional and famous gamer. They just enjoy playing videogames and thing getting something back like fans or being recognised from afar is something they want to experience what most people can’t. They are scared that someday someone will walk into their room and demolish everything they have from game collection to the consoles themselves. And even though they play games for fun, they still get frustrated when they lose a match on a game.


1. The biggest result I can help a business or person achieve is?

Introduce portability in a console with many features easy to understand.

2. Describe the favorite client you’ve ever had that you want more of…

My favorite client is a person enjoying playing games but also having his limits of staying infront of the screen.

3. What’s the biggest problem your most ideal client has?

Most likely not being able to afford the console due to price increases and the pandemic.

4. What frustrates your most ideal client the most?

To see others have expensive equipment that he can’t afford to buy

5. What are THE four to five steps for them to achieve success and get results?

Get a job and save for what they thing is important for them.

6. What keeps your perfect client awake at night (worrying, fearful, anxious)?

Deadlines, Finishing a game or watching videos.

7. What humiliates your perfect client (an event or occurrence they are trying to avoid)?

Not being able to find a job and having cheap equipment.

8. What is the cost of staying where they are right now? How bad can things become if they don’t fix it?

Most of their future projects will require better and more expensive equipment for them to finish school tasks.

9. What is their most urgent, pressing crisis they have to have solved right away (the real pain theyre facing, the thing they need fixed immediately)?

Getting better PC

10. What are the top 3 things that frustrate your perfect clients on a daily basis (is it doing things they dont want to do? people? circumstances? chores)?

Not having that much free time and being filled  with a lot of chores and deadlines.

11. What does your perfect client want more than anything else?

Get a Nintendo switch.

12. Explain what you would do if you were in their situation - high level steps. (Share 'what' you would do, not 'how' to do it).

Get a good job that is paying well but also having a good time while working.

13. What is the BIGGEST MISTAKE your perfect client is making right now (related to the problem you solve)?

Spending money on snacks to hang out with friends or for parties.

14. What does your perfect client complain about when theyre with their friends or family (i.e. not enough money,” “not enough time,” “dont know how to do something,etc)?

“Man, if I had enough time I could have afforded the switch or even better equipment.”

15. List their favorite:

Activities - Cycling

Colours – Red and Blue

Hobbies - Swimming

Food – Filled egg plant

Car - Mercedes

Holiday destinations - Hawaii

TV program – Channel 4

Song – Rock

Band – Green Day

Film – Spider man

16. List their LEAST favorite:

Activities - Chores

Colours - Green

Hobbies - Art

Food - Fish

Car - Porsche

Holiday destinations - UK

TV program - BBC

Song - Pop

Band – Bon Joey

Film – Bat man

P3 - Storyboard, notes, recce and risk assessment for the promo

Camera angles:

My job role and everyone else's in this project was being an editor which is when we gather up the footage and connect them together, add any effects or change any errors that occurred during the production. I also had a role for making some of the pre-production documents like the storyboard where i planned the camera angles for the first scene. From the storyboard only some of the camera angles were used which were: Low angle shot, Eye level shot and Ground level shot. Arsentijs role was being an editor and an actor. He was part in the beginning of the video before and after the ball sequence happens. Tobias W. role was being behind the camera and editing. He was responsible for most of the shots made in the video. Toby E. role was making the Pitch document. One of our tasks was to edit the advert individually and then check out others adverts to gather any skill others have used for the edit.

P4 - Photos of setting up the equipment for filming

Before the filming we took photos of us setting up the equipment and testing out how some ideas will turn out. We did it in the UTC since it has some good spots for filming, so from that we got ideas for our promo. We each took turns on the camera and the tripod so that we all get used to using them during filming.

In the top three photos we're setting up for shooting the ball sequence scene. The equipment that we used to setup is a camera and a tripod. We afterwards had a go to try out how to use the camera and the tripod before we began the shooting. 

This is us preparing for the ball shot sequence by testing camera angles and lighting for the video. We also asked Arsentij to sit in different poses to see how it turns out. In production we really didn't use a tripod for this shot since we needed the camera moving into Arsentij but we did use the camera. 

In this shot we were testing out on how to continue after the ball sequence. We came up with an idea of zooming out of the switch with joy-cons on the sides and each person grabs a switch and a joy-con until there was none left. This was before the shooting so we didn't have the switch in hand an instead we used a phone since it had the same size as a switch. Even tho my role was editor, the entire group made their own edit of the promo.

This task had quite an impact that we didn't expect. We had to sign a model release before the shooting so that Arsentij is fine for being on camera. We afterwards looked around the location to determine the safety of the filming and avoided capturing others cars logos to avoid any possibilities of copyright. 

P5 - Off line edit and edit log

P6 - Fully edited Promo

Me and my group planned to make a Nintendo switch promo for Unit-15. We created some pre-production documents for it to make sure everything comes well and turns out nice, until we had to change most of the advert. A lot of the ideas had to be left or just made in a different way, like for example the intro with the tennis court was abandoned since we didn’t get the weather that we needed in the available time for filming, so instead we made a bouncing ball sequence for the intro to try and achieve something similar. But in our group, we had to make our own edit of the promo by combining the existing footage that was available to us and learn from the skills the others used. So, on that note, this is my fully edited Nintendo switch promo. From the edits I saw from the other people of the group I started and ended the advert in a slightly different way.


This is the beginning of the intro of the promo. You see the switch logo in a red background and as it clicks it becomes transparent, the logo fades away and the promo continues onto the ball sequence. This is meant to quickly go to the ball sequence and pulling attention of young editors and give some time for the hook. On our previous idea the hook of the advert was with the rainy weather which didn’t allow for 2 people to go out and instead switch things up, so instead the ball sequence became the hook and still has the same properties as the tennis intro, a person has an idea to do something interesting, something goes wrong so he then switches thing up.

This is one of my transitions of the advert. It transitions from Mario cart to Rocket League. In the Mario cart footage, it is seen that Mario jumps over Donkey Kong. So, I attempted to make it look like he changes into a rocket league car. This can somewhat be seen in effect, but it doesn’t catch the eye enough. 

This is part of the intro on how I managed to make the audio fade away and making the switch intro transparent.  For the switch intro I placed it on top of the actual footage and removed the green screen with the ultra key. Then in the ending of the clip I added a fade effect. For the music fading I added 2 keyframes which the first one has lower volume and the second one is at normal volume.
